Personal Injury Lawyer - Deciding Whether to Sue - accident attorney

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Personal Injury Lawyer - Deciding Whether to Sue

If you've been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, you might benefit from setting up a consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Even if you don't feel great about pursuing a lawsuit, these consultations are almost always free and you can get some great advice about moving forward. Because these attorneys usually work on a contingency basis, they aren't keen on taking cases that won't pay for their time. That means they will be honest with you about the kind of case you have. Here are some of the considerations that will go into determining whether or not you should file a suit.

Your Injuries

Filing suit against a company because their product caused you to break a nail probably isn't going to be in your best interests. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a personal injury lawyer who would take the case. While that may be an extreme example, it illustrates the point that your injuries are one of the primary considerations when deciding whether or not to pursue legal action. Minor injuries don't typically translate to substantial judgments or settlements.

Your Liability

Take a car crash, for example. In many scenarios, both drivers in a crash share some culpability in what happened. Not always, but often. Still, shared blame is not a reason to necessarily forgo litigation. There have been plenty of successful lawsuits where the plaintiff shared some fault in the incident. But your liability should definitely come into play when deciding whether or not to move forward with a lawsuit. If a big part of the blame lies on your shoulders, it may be difficult to convince a jury to award damages.

Your Patience

Bringing a case to trial can take a very long time. Years, in many cases. This isn't something you're going to be done with next week. Are you ready to have this lawsuit be a part of your life for a long time to come? If not, you might want to think seriously about pushing for a negotiated settlement and taking whatever you can get right now.

Ability to Pay

You're wasting your time if you sue someone who is, for all intents and purposes, judgment proof. If you trip over a homeless person's shopping cart, you may have enough evidence to bring a successful lawsuit, but where are the damages going to come from? You can get a jury to award you thousands of dollars, but if the defendant can't pay, you'll have wasted your time.

With a personal injury lawyer, Gainesville, GA victims find justice and restitution. For attentive and professional legal counsel, visit: [].

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